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/** JSconfig (old version, to be replaced soon) ************
 * Global configuration options to enable and disable specific
 * script features from [[MediaWiki:Common.js]]
 * Override these default settings in your [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]]
 * for Example: JSconfig.loadAutoInformationTemplate = false;
 *  Maintainer: [[User:Dschwen]]

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 /* Funcionament de la Plantilla:Metacaixa
 Implementat per: Usuari:Peleguer.
 Actualitzat per Joanjoc seguint les indicacions d'en Martorell

 function MetaCaixaInit(){
  //S'executa al carregar-se la pàgina, si hi ha metacaixes,
  // s'assignen els esdeveniments als botons
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 function MetaCaixaMostraPestanya(){
  //S'executa al clicar una pestanya,
  //aquella es fa visible i les altres s'oculten
  var vMcNom =,3); //A partir del nom del botó, deduïm el nom de la caixa
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       = "block";
       = "visible";
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       = "none";
       = "hidden";
  return false; //evitem la recàrrega de la pàgina


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// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Force Preview  JavaScript code - Start
//  To allow any group to bypass being forced to preview, 
//  enter the group name in the permittedGroups array.
//  E.g.
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*** Quality indicators on "article" tab
*** by [[user:ThomasV]]
// return src for icon given percentage
function icon_src(t){
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// add indicator
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*** Add quality buttons on edit view
*** by [[user:ThomasV]]
// set edit summary, add {{Kakvoća teksta}} to editbox
function addQuality(form, value) {
	var text = '';
	switch(value) {
                // these should be the same as in {{Kakvoća teksta}}, etc.
		case '25%': text = 'Tekst se uređuje'; break;
		case '50%': text = 'Tekst je upotpunjen'; break;
		case '75%': text = 'Tekst je provjeren i ispravljen'; break;
		case '100%': text = 'Tekst je provjeren od strane više suradnika'; break;
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// add buttons below edit box
function addQualityButtons() {
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	if(ig) {
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